Béatrice Marie-Robiliard - author
Inspired by my own childhood and the daily pleasures, I work in collaboration with people of many talents.
My first job as a primary school teacher strengthened my love of the French language and the desire to make children love it, all children. After dreaming about my stories for a long time, I decided to start self-publishing.

Flavie Chadzynski - illustrator
I would like to introduce you Flavie, who is an illustrator and "postcard embellisher" (dixit the Pèlerin magazine). She works on the banks of the Loire in Montsoreau. With her pencils and brushes she creates a smooth world around my texts which inspire her. You can follow her on the social networks IG @flavielaringlette and FB @La Ringlette

Élise Clare Mower- illustrator
Let me introduce you Élise. She studied graphic design in London and loves illustration and photography. Everything creative delights her and she is really keen on joining projects as varied as possible. You can find his work on his instagram account @ eliseclare.art

Béatrice Marie-Robiliard - author
Inspired by my own childhood and the daily pleasures, I work in collaboration with people of many talents.
My first job as a primary school teacher strengthened my love of the French language and the desire to make children love it, all children. After dreaming about my stories for a long time, I decided to start self-publishing.

Céline Dutel - graphic designer
This is Céline, a freelance graphic designer near Lyon. She is the one that creates my customized graphic world, my website and the layout of my books. She is very attentive to my project, and a wonderful artistic director. Her work and creations can be found on ikken.fr

Pierre Chevallier - actor, storyteller
The pleasure of discovering a story should be accessible to all sighted and partially sighted children. I asked Pierre Chevallier, actor of theater, cinema and television, to tell the adventures of Louison, Rose and the other characters in my stories. All you have to do is listen carefully and let yourself be imagined!
I would like to thank very much for their help and collaboration: Nathalie Maillet, creator and fan of our beautiful French language (IG @nateliercrea), Michèle Laurent, for her proofreading and English translation skills. Thank you also to all the people and friends who participated in the various translations.